HAPPINES AT CHIRISMAS - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


It was the 25th of december,1999, so I just was 4 years old. Everything looked::text like a normal Christmas, but what I didn't know was the present that I was going to receive.

It was christmas night and my alarm clock told me that it was 7 o'clock in the morning, so I could go to the living room and unwrap the presents. To my surprise there wasn't any box nor any present with my name on it, just a note with one instruction: go to the garage, your present is waiting for you there. Excitedly, I followed the instructions and the surprise I saw will never disappear from my memory.

Just opening the door of the garage I saw tiny dog, a puppy, moving the tail and waiting anxiously for somebody to play with it. Immediately I woke up my parents and shouted at them what “Olentzero” had brought me. Logically, they put a surprised face because they didn't want me to know that the dog have been bought by them.

That event made of my house a special place for me, because now it symbolizes my youth and happiness.Furthermore, in that moment it made me feel in heaven.

Mapa del lugar de interés HAPPINES AT CHIRISMAS

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de HAPPINES AT CHIRISMAS, con el API de Google Street View

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