Finding Heaven in Death Valley - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

A Little Piece of Heaven on a Spoon

I had read about it in books and heard about it on the TV.  You’d also think the name itself would have given me a fair idea of what I was getting myself into, nevertheless, I decided to ignore all that. Death Valley. For some strange reason my parents thought it was a great idea, a fun family trip as they called it, to cross Death Valley in the middle of the hottest season in a miniscule car.  And for an equally peculiar reason both my sister and I agreed.

In 55ºC and not having eaten anything substantial for at least four hours all the excitement had disappeared, we had even given up taking photos, and all that was left was the occasional bickering and the constantly increasing feeling of giving up hope of ever getting out of that hell. However beautiful the scenery was, all we could do was think about the drop of sweat rolling down our faces and dream of soon finding a hotel to stay at.

Just as I was about to ask my parents where we were staying for the night I looked forward, and there, in the distance, I could faintly make out the shape of a hotel. Just a few minutes later we were dragging our suitcases through the door. It was the grottiest, smelliest place I’d ever been in, but it had the air conditioning on and that was good enough for me. We went up to our room and lay there for a while, cooling off.

About an hour later, determined to turn that hell of a holiday around, my sister and I walked out of the hotel and went in search of some food. At first all we could find was McDonald’s and other similarly unappetizing restaurants, but just as we were about to give up all hope we turned a corner, and there, in the midst of cheap hamburger smells and dirty buildings, shone a bright sign: Gianna’s Ice-cream Parlour.

A bell chimed as we opened the door. We looked around at the endless flavours of ice-cream lined up, and after very little debating we decided to get as many of them as we thought we could eat. Moments later, I lifted a huge spoonful of the yogurt flavored one into my mouth. It tasted::text like a little piece of heaven on a spoon. It was the best ice-cream I had had up to that point and I haven’t found better ice-cream since. Thanks to Gianna’s Ice-cream Parlour I have great memories of that trip, and would go again any day.

Mapa del lugar de interés Finding Heaven in Death Valley

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Finding Heaven in Death Valley, con el API de Google Street View

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