Christmas Holidays at hospital - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

It was winter and Christmas Holidays were coming in two days. My twenty classmates and I were absolutely glad about leaving school for two weeks and  anxious about opening Santa’s presents. I was only seven years old, so I still believed in Santa and the Three Wise Men,::text like everybody in my class did. Teachers motivated us by handing out colorful Christmas postcards, the ones we used to decorate full of enthusiasm. Nevertheless, that magic situation turned around and I finished in Crosses, the most important public hospital in Biscay.

It was Thursday evening and I was finishing my homework, eager to go out and spend my free time playing with my friends. However, when I was almost ready to leave, I began to feel sick. At first, my mum thought it was an ordinary stomach-ache due to the chocolate I had eaten before, but she realized she was wrong when I cried because of the pain. She recommended me to have a hot bath. This way, it was probably that my muscles would relax and then I would feel better. I did what she told me and stayed for half an hour with my belly immersed in water.

I felt better for about ten minutes, but then, the pain increased and became unbearable. My mum did not know what to do to calm me, so she gave me a pill. It was approximately 8 o’clock and my dad had to work until 9 pm. We had to wait to him to go to the hospital because my mum has not got a driving licence. Those were the worst sixty minutes in my life. Finally, my father arrived home and took me to the medical centre. Nevertheless, I suffered more than ever as I had to wait until 1am to be checked.

Doctors were sure it was not a common stomach-ache and asked me many questions to find where the pain was coming from. Furthermore, they told me to hop on one leg. I felt ridiculous! In addition, I did not understand what they were doing. I noticed that my parents were nervous and worried, so I supposed something wrong was happening to me. I waited in a white room with some nurses and at 2am they moved me to the surgery. By the time, my two sisters had arrived to the waiting room. The operation was about to start. I was suffering from appendicitis!

I stayed hospitalized three days. I went through sheer hell! It was extremely boring and the food was tasteless. Moreover, I could only walk for some minutes and very slowly, held on to the serum drip. If not, I got very tired.

Fortunately, they gave me the certificate of discharge the Christmas Day in the morning. Therefore, I came back home on time to open all the presents I asked to Santa on the letter I had written to him. I hope not to live something alike again! It was horrible!


Mapa del lugar de interés Christmas Holidays at hospital

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Christmas Holidays at hospital, con el API de Google Street View

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