News and Weather: Seven Canadian Poets edited by August Kleinzahler - Traces by Alexander Hutchison (Brick Books) - Brick Books Poetry Map (sitios de interés)

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Victoria, BC - Alexander Hutchison spent almost 18 years: teaching at the University of Victoria and elsewhere on the Pacific north-west coast of Canada, and taking a doctorate on Roethke at Northwestern University while living in Chicago.


Stéphane Mallarmé was a French poet and critic.

Alexander Hutchison reads Traces from News and Weather: Seven Canadian Poets

Arthur Rimbaud was a French poet.

"Traces" has all of Rimbaud's poem Marine woven in directly in translation:

Les chars d'argent et de cuivre –
Les proues d'acier et d'argent –
Battent l'écume,--
Soulèvent les souches des ronces.
Les courants de la lande,
Et les ornières immenses du reflux,
Filent circulairement vers l'est,
Vers les piliers de la forêt,
Vers les fûts de la jetée,
Dont l'angle est heurté par des tourbillons de lumière.

The same "Traces" ends with images derived from Mallarmé's Petit Air:

Petit Air
Mais langoureusement longe
Comme de blanc linge ôté
Tel fugace oiseau si plonge
Exultatrice à côté
Dans l'onde toi devenue
Ta jubilation nue

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