A Page from the Wonders of Life on Earth by Stephanie Bolster (Brick Books) - Brick Books Poetry Map (sitios de interés)

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Montreal, Quebec

Stephanie Bolster writes, “I’ve lived in Montreal for over a decade now, longer than I’ve lived anywhere except my first home, Burnaby . It’s a city in which it is possible to do anything or nothing, to rush or to luxuriate, to savour the refinement of a mille-feuille or the earthiness of a steaming stack of smoked meat.

Although I wish the climate were gentler, I suspect that the city’s cultural vibrancy owes much to the bitter cold of the winters; stuck inside, one can’t not make art, or at least partake of it.

Functionally rather than fluently bilingual, I’ve only begun to experience most of what the city has to offer. Voicing my poems en français for this performance at the Grande Bibliothèque was daunting, yet the opportunity to participate in a bilingual event (albeit in a virtual sense, as the recording was completed two days before I gave birth and the performance held when my second daughter was a few weeks old) was a rare gift.”


Stephanie Bolster reads at A River of Poetry - Une pluie de mots, de langues, de silences, an hour-long performance featuring poets who teach at Concordia University: Marc André Brouillette and André Roy of Concordia’s Département d’études françaises, as well as Stephanie Bolster, Jason Camlot, Mary di Michele, David McGimpsey, and Sina Queyras of the Department of English. The performance was held on December 1 at 7:30 p.m. at the Grande Bibliothèque in Montreal.
Here is an article with the full performance.
*Stephanie's readings take place at the following minute marks:
6:32 - La vie de l'esprit (Nuit) [French version of Life of the Mind (Night)]; Life of the Mind (Night) - ends at 8:28
32:58 - Life of the Mind (Wanders) - ends at 34:07
44:34 - Rainbow; Life of the Mind (Tapestry) - ends at 46:29
1:03:37 - Date Lament; The Cloisters - ends at 1:04:51

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Mapa del lugar de interés A Page from the Wonders of Life on Earth by Stephanie Bolster (Brick Books)

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