Philadelphia - Humboldt`s Travels (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Dates visited: May 24 to May 29, 1804 and June 18 to June 30, 1804

"In Havana [Humboldt, Bonpland, and Montúfar] assembled the collections they had left there in 1801 and, after brief visits in Philadelphia [and Washington], they embarked for France [Bordeaux], in July 1804. Their expedition of some six years yielded a collection of 6,000 different species of plants (most of which were unknown in Europe) and numerous mineralogical, astronomical, chemical, and moral observations. Humboldt accords the highest possible praise to the Spanish government for its liberal protection."
A. v. Humboldt, “Philadelphia Abstract,” 1804

Mapa del lugar de interés Philadelphia

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fotografía panorámica de Philadelphia, con el API de Google Street View

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