Why McCain will lose Missouri - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I am actively engaged in politics and consider myself a left-of-center Independent voter. Four years ago, I said to myself, "boy, if Obama ends up running against John McCain, then I don't know who I'll vote for!" I valued McCain's centrism and Obama's passion for hope and staggering intelligence. John McCain completely lost my vote because of his involvement with the RNC. They changed his "brand" and he allowed it to change him. While he was once a "maverick" of sorts in my eyes, he is now only a shadow of his former self. Obama on the other hand has run what I consider to be a clean campaign with respect and dignity. I know in my heart that Democrats and Republicans are all part of the same machine, so I want my leader to care more about showing he can lead rather than just get elected.

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