They are both republicans -what is a democrat to do? - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

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I have been a democrat all my life and this is the first election that I do not know who I am voting for. In the primaries I thought I would be happy with any of the candidates though my gal there was Hillary. But after listening to Obama in the primary, watching the kind of trash he used against a fellow democrat and finally seeing him backtrack on every democratic value I hold dear -an office of faith based initiatives?, voted yes on FISA, doesn't support public financing of campaigns, I can only conclude the man is no democrat. Now that Chris Buckley, Chris Hitchens and a number of prominent republicans endorse him I can only conclude I am right. The democratic party and progressives are dead. More importantly Obama has NEVER done anything in his life that did not involve winning an elected office for himself. Obama is just another GWB with a D after his name.

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