Kennemeyer Primary School, Grassy Park - Greenpop Beneficiary Locations (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Trees: 45 Indigenous and 30 fruit trees. This school is quite a green place but has made great use of the increase in trees. They have recently won an environmental award for being a green flag school and are a great example of a school that can maintain the trees really well. Plant Day 1 (28 May) - The children and teachers were very excited to have received the trees and got involved with the planting, which happened on the day of the school faire. Johanna Stamps gave the school 12 trees for her birthday and also brought her friends along to plant them. The day was enjoyed by all. Planting day 2 - This planting day went very succesfully. 50 Trees were given by Africa Geographic and a team of ladies came out from the company to get their hands dirty and get involved. Of the 50 trees planted 30 of them were fruit trees which was a very exciting prospect for the students and staff of the school. Thanks to everyone involved and all tree gifters.

Mapa del lugar de interés Kennemeyer Primary School, Grassy Park

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Kennemeyer Primary School, Grassy Park, con el API de Google Street View

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