March 2, 11:00hrs Local - Violence Against Pro-Democracy Protests in Libya (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

The Guardian's Martin Chulov reports that Gaddafi loyalists have retaken the town of Brega, just 250km from Benghazi. Chulov reports at least 12 people being treated with gunshot wounds. Chulov reports seeing a Gadaffi fighter jet today fly in low towards Bregga and dropping a bomb 200 meters away in the sand. Another, report (unconfirmed) states that at about 8AM 75 Toyota landcruisers arrived unexpectedly in Brega. Eventually, the 45 vehicles were surrounded, and the attackers that did not run away were arrested. The repot claims that those captured were given food, shelter and invited to join the revolution.

Mapa del lugar de interés March 2, 11:00hrs Local

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fotografía panorámica de March 2, 11:00hrs Local, con el API de Google Street View

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