Decided - The Undecided Voter Project (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

I am voting for Obama. He is a creative thinker. We have relied on tried methods for too long. They have gotten no where but in debt, in war and loosing health care with no education. I envision a country that my daughter can grow up with a good education, health care and the opportunity to do better than me.
I feel that Obama offers this idealism. There are too many people operating out of fear. To quote the great Eleanore Roosevelt "there is nothing to fear but fear itself"
Plus, Palin is atrocious to me. I do not want my daughter to look up to her, I do not want my daughter to think that Palin is a good example of a strong woman. Both McCain and Palin and fear mongers and they are feeding off of us, I say we should give them no more food!!!

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