UBC Place Vanier Residences - 1935 Lower Mall - P+W Canada - Vancouver Projects (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Location: Vancouver, BC
Completion: 2002
Area: 5,083 SM (54,700 SF)
Korea House on the Place Vanier site is the first new student residence to address the University of British Columbia's "TREK 2000 Operational Plan," which mandates the development of an additional 1,000 residence beds at the university. Located on the western perimeter of the campus, the site is one of the most desirable sites at UBC for this new single student housing, based on its successful urban design and architectural integrity. Other advantages include its size, location, compatibility of use with existing land use, availability of services, and rating with respect to UBC's Planning Principles.
The buildings at Place Vanier date from the late 1960s. The existing buildings have a modern aesthetic and are homogeneous in appearance. The proposed building is designed to compliment and build on this context with an elegant and modern design, as well as to maximize the site’s exceptional views. The building is based on an L-shaped concept that features a common room at the junction of the two wings. The courtyard contains a garden acknowledging donations from Korea University towards the construction of the building. The new residence will accommodate 200 students in separate rooms, with a lounge, kitchen, dining area, group and individual study rooms, and washroom and shower facilities on each floor. The ground floor includes a laundry facility, a common room and kitchen for larger gatherings, as well as a separate suite for the residence life manager.

Mapa del lugar de interés UBC Place Vanier Residences - 1935 Lower Mall

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de UBC Place Vanier Residences - 1935 Lower Mall, con el API de Google Street View

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