Paris, France by: Lisa - Oh The Places We'll Go (sitios de interés)

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  "Wow! Cool!" Those are some things I::text like to say when I go to Paris, France. Paris is full with landscapes, museums, and many other more very fun places you can go to.
  Paris, France is located in the northern center of France. It borders the Seine River for about 8 miles. The city is divided into two sides by the Seine River. Paris's continent is Europe.

   The city's weather is average. It is not to hot, nor to cold. But, in Paris, the Winter would be the rain season and snow is rare. However, snow isn't unheard from. But although snow is rare, it can be very windy making the winter cold. Also, Spring and Fall is typically warm in the day and cold at night.
   Some must see places in Paris is the Eiffel tower. the most famous and popular monument in Paris. Because it is the tallest building in the world and also, more than six million climb it each year. Another monument is the Arc de Triomphe. I think it is a must see place because it is very important to people who live in France because Napoleon has built  this giant stone archway to celebrate his victories in battle.
 Some basic facts about Paris is that it  has been considered the main cultural center of the West. Second, Football, rugby, and tennis are very popular sports in France. Thirdly, more than anything, France is famous for its cuisine such as croissants. People who live there love food.They especially like for diets are: bread, cheese and processed meats. The most common language in Paris is French. They also speak English, but not as often. But, many schools teach the students English. Also, out of the top richest cities, Paris is one of them. And, Paris is one of the most loved cities! Anyway, Paris is also the most visited city on Earth!

Many people say Paris has the best public transportation. The Metro, or subway, is the most common transportation. It has more than 400 stations and carries about 5 million passengers a day!
 So what are you waiting for? Come to Paris, France!
Sources: Paris by Joanne Mattern

Mapa del lugar de interés Paris, France by: Lisa

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Paris, France by: Lisa, con el API de Google Street View

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