The map of the significant places that Rogers' Rangers visited during the St. Francis raid of 1750.

0: Crown Point
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1: Missisquoi Bay Head
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2: St Francis
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3: The Breakup
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4: Rendezvous Spot
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5: No. 4
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Crown Point

The Rangers depart on the night of Sept 13 with 220 men, rowing north in 17 whale boats.

Más sobre Crown Point

1: Missisquoi Bay Head

They reach the head of Missisquoi Bay early on September 23. 40 men have turned back already. Two indians are left to guard the boats & supplies for return.

Más sobre Missisquoi Bay Head

2: St Francis

Rough guesstimate of the original location of St. Francis. The Rangers spot smoke from the fires on Oct 3rd. They're down to 142 men and their supplies are exhausted.

They attack at 5am Oct 4th. After killing most of the inhabitants, the few remaining prisoners reveal an enemy force of 400 within a days march.

The Rangers head for No. 4.

Más sobre St Francis

3: The Breakup

Oct 10th (approx): Starving and out of supplies, Rogers decides to split the Rangers into groups of 10-20 men to improve their chances of foraging and survival. Rogers takes the captives with his team.

Más sobre The Breakup

4: Rendezvous Spot

The Rangers could go no further. They arrive here Oct 20th, hoping to find supplies. Instead they find only a fire.

Más sobre Rendezvous Spot

5: No. 4

The fort Rogers intended to retreat to. Leaving his men at the rendezvous point, Rogers and a few men make it here via raft on Oct 31st and send supplies back to the rest of the surviving Rangers.

Más sobre No. 4


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