Where shall we go!?

0: Long ass trip
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1: Back home.
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2: quantas flight
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3: Bombay/Mumbai
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4: Shanghai
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5: Bejing
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6: Hong Kong
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7: Tokyo
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8: Sydney
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9: Melbourne
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10: Queenstown
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11: Santiago +Ski
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Long ass trip

Más sobre Long ass trip

1: Back home.

Round home in 13,000 miles.

Más sobre Back home.

2: quantas flight

Más sobre quantas flight

3: Bombay/Mumbai

Flights Direct from LDN: 991 quid

Hotel: 70 a night... 4 days? 280 quid.
Spending: 50pd      
Total: 1471

Más sobre Bombay/Mumbai

4: Shanghai

TRAIN- from HK between 45 and 85 quid.

FLIGHT- 160 quid
50 quid a night: 200 quid.
max of 100Y a meal= 10 quid?
Spending- 40 a day= 160
Total: 455

Más sobre Shanghai

5: Bejing

High speed train- less than 180 quid

Similar to Shanghai for cost.
60-70 a night
50 quid spending a day
Total: 660

Más sobre Bejing

6: Hong Kong

Flights from mumbai- 216

Hotel: 70 a day- 4 days- 280
Average meal is 20HKD0- less than 2 quid
Probs about 30 quid a day to spend. A lot of attractions are free/very cheap. - 120 for visit.

Total: 616

Más sobre Hong Kong

7: Tokyo

Flights from Beijing- approx 230 quid.
Per night: 100
including accomedation approx 120 a day:
Total 710

Más sobre Tokyo

8: Sydney

Flight from Tokyo- 430 quid upwards

Más sobre Sydney

9: Melbourne

Train from Sydney 60 quid
Greyhound- 50 quid

Más sobre Melbourne

10: Queenstown

Flight from sydney- 250 quid.

Current root- 2500 quid for travel+ 700 flight home

Más sobre Queenstown

11: Santiago +Ski

Más sobre Santiago +Ski


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