Liz wants to travel the world and see lots and lots of cats. This his her map.

0: Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
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1: Cat Island, Tasmania
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2: Tashirojima: Cat Island.
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3: Kucing Cat Museum
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4: Torre Argentina Roman Cat Sanctuary, Rome, Italy
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

65+ cats protect the artworks and get cuddles.

Más sobre Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

1: Cat Island, Tasmania

This is a lie. There are no cats here.

Más sobre Cat Island, Tasmania

2: Tashirojima: Cat Island.

A cat island, actually full of cats.

How to get there from Tokyo:

Más sobre Tashirojima: Cat Island.

3: Kucing Cat Museum

Reviews. Whee!

Más sobre Kucing Cat Museum

4: Torre Argentina Roman Cat Sanctuary, Rome, Italy

Roman Cat Sanctuary!

Más sobre Torre Argentina Roman Cat Sanctuary, Rome, Italy


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