A compiled list of condo and apartment complexes in the Crossroads Fiberhood.Red: Uncontacted.Yellow: Contacted, confirmation of notification pending.Green: Residents have been notified.Please leave notes about who contacted whom and when for each individual place.

0: Crossroads Fiberhood
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1: Stuart Hall Lofts
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2: Freight House Lofts
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3: Campbell Lofts
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4: Crossroads Lofts
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5: EBT Lofts
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6: Popcorn Lofts
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Crossroads Fiberhood

Más sobre Crossroads Fiberhood

1: Stuart Hall Lofts

2121 Central Street

Kansas City, MO 64108

Más sobre Stuart Hall Lofts

2: Freight House Lofts

2029 Wyandotte St
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 842-6544


Más sobre Freight House Lofts

3: Campbell Lofts

1535 Walnut St
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 842-6544


Más sobre Campbell Lofts

4: Crossroads Lofts

1600 Grand Blvd
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 842-6544


Más sobre Crossroads Lofts

5: EBT Lofts

1601 Walnut St
Kansas City, MO 64108
(816) 842-6544


Más sobre EBT Lofts

6: Popcorn Lofts

Residents have been contacted via email by Michael Bleigh. 7 units total.

1920 Wyandotte St
Kansas City, MO 64108


Más sobre Popcorn Lofts


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