you can also take the green line...

0: Walk the rest of the way
Ver detalle
1: Circulator-orange (east)
Ver detalle
2: Circulator-orange (west)
Ver detalle
3: Walk to aquarium
Ver detalle
4: Park here for free
Ver detalle
5: The National Aquarium in Baltimore
Ver detalle
6: Pier 5 parking
Ver detalle
7: Fells Point Fun Festival
Ver detalle
8: The American Visionary Art Museum
Ver detalle
9: Park here for free
Ver detalle
10: nomp
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Walk the rest of the way

Más sobre Walk the rest of the way

1: Circulator-orange (east)

Más sobre Circulator-orange (east)

2: Circulator-orange (west)

Más sobre Circulator-orange (west)

3: Walk to aquarium

Más sobre Walk to aquarium

4: Park here for free

between the Aquarium and Fells Point near the Circulator's orange line

Más sobre Park here for free

5: The National Aquarium in Baltimore

Más sobre The National Aquarium in Baltimore

6: Pier 5 parking

Park here for $$ and no walking

Más sobre Pier 5 parking

7: Fells Point Fun Festival

Food, crafts, etc.

Más sobre Fells Point Fun Festival

8: The American Visionary Art Museum

Also check this out if there's time

Más sobre The American Visionary Art Museum

9: Park here for free

Walk through the inner harbor to destination

Más sobre Park here for free


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