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2: Playground Length
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3: Car park counting
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4: Roof shapes
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5: Car Estimate
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6: Shadow Rotation
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7: Poly Tunnel Plants
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8: Numbers in Cars
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9: Perimeter Fence
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10: Playground Personal Space
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11: Train Passengers
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12: Trim Trail Time
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13: Roof Triangles
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14: Playground Symmetry
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15: Class Counter
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

2: Playground Length

Use the measure tool to calculate the length of the playground.

Más sobre Playground Length

3: Car park counting

How many cars is it possible to park in all of our car parks? Don't forget there are three different parking areas.

Más sobre Car park counting

4: Roof shapes

What different shapes can you see on our school roof? What are they called and how many are there?

Más sobre Roof shapes

5: Car Estimate

You have five seconds to estimate how many cars are parked in the car park. Write your estimate down then count them carefully.

Más sobre Car Estimate

6: Shadow Rotation

Look at the shadows of the basketball posts. If they were to rotate 270 degrees which way would the shadows then fall?

Más sobre Shadow Rotation

7: Poly Tunnel Plants

Mr. Robson has planted 12 rows of turnips with 6 turnips in each row and 5 rows of marrows with 15 marrows in each row. How many vegetables has he planted?

Más sobre Poly Tunnel Plants

8: Numbers in Cars

If all the car parking spaces are full and half of the cars that arrived at school had two people in them and the other half had 3 in them, how many people came in those cars?

Más sobre Numbers in Cars

9: Perimeter Fence

If Mr. Naylor was to build a perimeter fence around the school on this blue line how may meters of fence would he need? Use the measure tool to find out.

If he were to buy these fence pieces how many would he need?
For extra points, how much would the fence cost to build?

Más sobre Perimeter Fence

10: Playground Personal Space

If each child in our playground needs 4 square meters of space, how many people can safely play in our bottom playground?
You will need to use the measure tool.

Más sobre Playground Personal Space

11: Train Passengers

Each train compartment holds 8 people. How many people can ride on the train in the KS1 playground?

Más sobre Train Passengers

12: Trim Trail Time

If a team of 12 pupils tackle the KS1 trim trail and each take approximately 32 seconds, how long will the entire team take?

For extra points show your time in minutes and seconds

Más sobre Trim Trail Time

13: Roof Triangles

If this section of our roof is an equilateral triangle, what would each angle measure?

Más sobre Roof Triangles

14: Playground Symmetry

Look at the pattern on the floor of the playground, can you find any lines of symmetry?

Más sobre Playground Symmetry

15: Class Counter

There are twelve classes in our school, on average there are 30 people in each class. How many people are there in our school?

Más sobre Class Counter


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