Can a newly-arrived reporter find her way through Edmonton's pedway system with the help of a compass and a world-class orienteering expert? The CBC's Kristina Partsinevelos finds out.

0: Above Ground Pedway
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1: Above Ground Pedway
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2: Above Ground Pedway
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3: Above Ground Pedway
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4: Below Ground Pedway
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5: Ground Level Pedway
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6: Below Ground Pedway
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7: Ground Level Pedway
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8: Below Ground Pedway
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9: Below Ground Pedway
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10: Ground Level Pedway
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11: LOST!
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13: LOST - Sutton Place Hotel
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14: Pedway
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15: Into the LRT
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16: Busker Break
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17: LOST! - Churchill Station
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18: There is a map!
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19: The Citadel
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20: A map!
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21: A sign spotted!
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23: LOST - Library Parkade
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24: Pedway Signs Explained
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Above Ground Pedway

Más sobre Above Ground Pedway

1: Above Ground Pedway

Más sobre Above Ground Pedway

2: Above Ground Pedway

Más sobre Above Ground Pedway

3: Above Ground Pedway

Más sobre Above Ground Pedway

4: Below Ground Pedway

Más sobre Below Ground Pedway

5: Ground Level Pedway

Más sobre Ground Level Pedway

6: Below Ground Pedway

Más sobre Below Ground Pedway

7: Ground Level Pedway

Más sobre Ground Level Pedway

8: Below Ground Pedway

Más sobre Below Ground Pedway

9: Below Ground Pedway

Más sobre Below Ground Pedway

10: Ground Level Pedway

Más sobre Ground Level Pedway


Kristina begins her journey, camera strapped to her head, in front of the Sutton Place Hotel.

Her goal - Get to the Shaw Conference Centre using the city's pedway system.




13: LOST - Sutton Place Hotel

It doesn't take Kristina too long before she runs into her first problem - with no signage to show her how to find the pedway, she has to ask a friendly stranger.



Más sobre LOST - Sutton Place Hotel

14: Pedway

Eventually, she does find her way into the pedway system.


Más sobre Pedway

15: Into the LRT

New to the city, Kristina hasn't seen the inside of an LRT station yet, and has to ask someone in the mall how to get there.



Más sobre Into the LRT

16: Busker Break



Más sobre Busker Break

17: LOST! - Churchill Station

With no indication of where to go next to get to the conference centre, Kristina tries to guess with the help of a transit map.



Más sobre LOST! - Churchill Station

18: There is a map!

Turns out, there is a pedway map in the station. Tim Querengesser, founder of the Edmonton Wayfinding Project, shows her that it is tucked away in a not-too-helpful location.



Más sobre There is a map!

19: The Citadel

Kristina and Canada's top-ranked orienteer, William Critchley, emege from the underground and into the Citadel -- but don't know where to get next.



Más sobre The Citadel

20: A map!

Finally, the pair finds a map in the Citadel.


Más sobre A map!

21: A sign spotted!

The first sign that points towards the Shaw Conference Centre is spotted.



Más sobre A sign spotted!


Finally, Kristina and Will reach their destination - and only got lost three times.



Más sobre SUCCESS!

23: LOST - Library Parkade

Even with the help of Will Critchley, Canada's top orienteer (and a compass), Kristina gets turned around and ends up in the library parkade.

They find a way back on track. Eventually.



Más sobre LOST - Library Parkade

24: Pedway Signs Explained

Tim Querengesser, head of the Edmonton Wayfinding Project, shares the interesting secrets hidden in the pedway signage.



Más sobre Pedway Signs Explained


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