Journey of Ernesto "Che" Guevara: "The Motorcycle Diaries"

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Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his friend Alberto set out on a journey to reach the United States in 1951. In this travelogue, Che and his friend voyage through the lands of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela, and the United States. On this journey they experience difficulties with their means of transportation, indulge in luxurious meals, meet interesting new people, admire the landscapes, and visit old friends. In this multimedia map, we focus on detailed descriptions of the places they visit and feelings that the pair experience in these various locations. The blue line represents when the pair has a motorcycle, which makes for an easier travel. The red line represents the pair traveling without their motorcycle, which makes their trip more difficult because they no longer have a guaranteed means of transportation.

0: Córdoba to Buenos Aires
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1: Buneos Aires to San Martín de los Andes
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2: San Martín de los Andes to Temuco
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3: Temuco to Los Ángeles
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4: Los Ángeles to Santiago
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5: Santiago to Valparaíso
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6: Valparaíso to Chuquicamata/Aboard the San Antonio
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7: Chuqicamata to Tarata
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8: Tarata to Lake Titicaca
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9: Lake Titicaca to Cuzco
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10: Cuzco to San Ramón
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11: Oxampa to San Ramon then to Lima
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12: Lima to San Pablo
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13: San Pablo to Bogotá
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14: Bogotá to Caracas
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15: Line 16
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16: Córdoba, Argentina
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17: Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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18: San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina
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19: Temuco, Chile
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20: Los Ángeles, Chile
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21: Santiago, Chile
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22: Valparaíso, Chile
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23: Chuquicamata, Chile
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24: Tarata, Bolivia
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25: Lake Titicaca, Peru
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26: Cuzco, Peru
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27: San Ramón, Peru
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28: Oxapampa,Peru
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29: Lima, Peru
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30: San Pablo, Peru
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31: Bogotá, Colombia
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32: Caracas, Venezuela
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33: Placemark 18
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Córdoba to Buenos Aires

Más sobre Córdoba to Buenos Aires

1: Buneos Aires to San Martín de los Andes

Más sobre Buneos Aires to San Martín de los Andes

2: San Martín de los Andes to Temuco

Más sobre San Martín de los Andes to Temuco

3: Temuco to Los Ángeles

Más sobre Temuco to Los Ángeles

4: Los Ángeles to Santiago

Más sobre Los Ángeles to Santiago

5: Santiago to Valparaíso

Más sobre Santiago to Valparaíso

6: Valparaíso to Chuquicamata/Aboard the San Antonio

Guevara and Alberto travel aboard the San Antonio to travel further north to Antofagasta.

Más sobre Valparaíso to Chuquicamata/Aboard the San Antonio

7: Chuqicamata to Tarata

Más sobre Chuqicamata to Tarata

8: Tarata to Lake Titicaca

Más sobre Tarata to Lake Titicaca

9: Lake Titicaca to Cuzco

Más sobre Lake Titicaca to Cuzco

10: Cuzco to San Ramón

Más sobre Cuzco to San Ramón

11: Oxampa to San Ramon then to Lima

Más sobre Oxampa to San Ramon then to Lima

12: Lima to San Pablo

Más sobre Lima to San Pablo

13: San Pablo to Bogotá

Más sobre San Pablo to Bogotá

14: Bogotá to Caracas

Más sobre Bogotá to Caracas

16: Córdoba, Argentina

On October 17, 1951 Ernesto "Che" Guevara and his friend Alberto decide to set out on a journey to North America. This idea came into their minds spontaneously:

"The trip was decided just::text like that, and it never erred from the basic principle laid down in that moment: improvisation. Alberto's brothers joined us in a round of mate as we sealed our pact never to give up until we had realized our dream. So began the monotonous business of chasing visas, certificates and documents, that is to say, of overcoming the many hurdles modern nations erect in the paths of would-be travelers."(33)

This is a picture of a young Ernesto "Che" Guevara. Being of about the age when he set off on his adventure via motorcycle.

Más sobre Córdoba, Argentina

17: Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, Argentina

On January 6, 1952 Che and Alberto reach Villa Gesell in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Alberto and Che had already travelled 1,200 kilometers from Córdoba and were staying in Che's uncle's home. Che reflects on his journey thus far and the journey he's preparing for: "enjoying my uncle's hospitality in his home and reliving our first 1,200 kilometers-apparently the easiest, through they've already given us a healthy respect for distances. We have no idea whether or not we'll get there, but we do know the going will be hard - at least that's the impression we have at this stage. Alberto laughs at his minutely detailed plans for the trip, according to which we should be nearing the end when in reality we have only just begun." (35)

Che and Alberto also collect vegetables and tinned meat as provisions for their trip.

Más sobre Villa Gesell, Buenos Aires, Argentina

18: San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina

Guevara and Alberto arrive in San Martín on January 31, 1952. Guevara describes the location, saying "San Martín lies on the yellow-green slopes that melt into the blue depths of Lake Lacar"(44).

This stop is significant because Guevara has a very crucial revelation in this location. As said in the text, "Although often on our travels we longed to stay in the formidable places we visited, only the Amazon jungle called out to that sedentary part of ourselves as strongly as did this place. I now know, by an almost fatalistic conformity with the facts, that my destiny is to travel, or perhaps it's better to say that traveling is our destiny, because Alberto feels the same"(45)
This is a picture of San Martín de los Andes. 


Más sobre San Martín de los Andes, Neuquén, Argentina

19: Temuco, Chile

Guevara and Alberto travel to Chile via boat and arrive in Temuco, Chile on February 15, 1952. Guevara comments on the incredible hospitality of the Chileans.
"Chilean hospitality, as I never tire of saying, is one reason traveling in our neighboring country is so enjoyable"(57)

Temuco's local newspaper wrote an article about Guevara and Alberto's journeys stating the two travellers to be "two argentine leprosy experts" that were touring Latin America by motorcycle. The people of this town treated the two wanderers as royalty.
This is a picture of hospitable Chileans, such as the people he describes in the text.


Más sobre Temuco, Chile

20: Los Ángeles, Chile

The two travellers arrive in Los Ángeles, Chile on February 27, 1952. This is their last site where the have the help of their bike, "La Poderosa"
"It was our last stage as 'motorized bums'; the next stage seemed set to be more difficult, as 'bums without wheels"(63).
Guevara also recounts that the fire brigades were of much significance in the town of Los Ángeles. In his stay of three days there were "two big fires and one small one"(64). Guevara describes Los Ángeles, saying that when looking back at his trip, Los Ángeles will always be in his mind as a symbolic representation of the "furious flames of a fire"(65).



Más sobre Los Ángeles, Chile

21: Santiago, Chile

The pair arrived in Santiago de Chile on March 1, 1952. Here, the two take part in obscure jobs to pay for "part of the trip with the sweat of [their] brows"(66).
Guevara then proceeds to depict the design and atmosphere of the city saying that the city reminds him of Córdoba, his home town.

"Santiago has more or less the same feel as Córdoba. Though its daily pace is much faster and its traffic considerably heavier, its buildings, the nature of its streets, its weather and even the faces of its people, reminded us of our own Mediterranean city"(66).

 Picture of Santiago, Chile in 1952

Más sobre Santiago, Chile

22: Valparaíso, Chile

Guevara goes into extensive detail when describing this city. Valparaíso is a very contrasting city compared to the rest of the towns or cities we've seen described in the book so far. It is also one of the more complex, and interesting locations the pair has visited thus far.
Guevara describes the city as being "picturesque, built to the edge of the beach and overlooking a large bay." It is interesting because as the pair inspect the city more thoroughly, they are confronted with unexpected poverty. Guevara says, "as if patiently dissecting, we pry into dirty stairways and dark recesses, talking to the swarms of beggars; we plumb the city's depths, the miasmas draw us in. Our distended nostrils inhale the poverty with sadistic intensity"(69).

Picture of Valparaíso, Chile near the port.


Más sobre Valparaíso, Chile

23: Chuquicamata, Chile

Guevara and Alberto spend from March 13-15 in 1952 in Chuquicamata. Chuquicamata, Chile is "essentialy a great copper mountain with 20-meter-high terraces cut into its enormous sides, from where the extracted mineral is easily transported by rail"(80).



Más sobre Chuquicamata, Chile

24: Tarata, Bolivia

On March 25, 1952 the duplet arrive in Tarata. Tarata is a small local Indian village that Che and Alberto stop at for the night. Che remarks on the emotions of the indians in the town, "it is an ancient, gentle village where life continues on the course it has travelled for centuries... Some of the villagers give the impression that they go on living only because it's a habit they cannot shake" (93).

Más sobre Tarata, Bolivia

25: Lake Titicaca, Peru

Guevara and Alberto set sail on Lake Titicaca on March 27,1952. Guevara describes what he's heard about Lake Titicaca and says, "According to the legend, the first Inca Emperor, Manco Capac and his sister/wife rose up from Lake Titcaca symbolizing the unity and equality of the masculine and feminine aspects" (103). Because they had heard so much about the lake, Che and Alberto could not pass by Lago Titicaca without taking a quick tour, so, "for a modest sum of five soles, [they] managed to get [the fishermen] to take [them] on an intrusive guide" (99). 

Más sobre Lake Titicaca, Peru

26: Cuzco, Peru

The travelers arrive in Cuzco on May 6 and stay until May 7,1952. He describes Cuzco as "The navel of the world" (103). Cuzco, according to Incan legend, was the center of the Incan world.

Más sobre Cuzco, Peru

27: San Ramón, Peru

selva_chanchamayo_san_ramon.jpgChe and Alberto were left here on April 28, 1952 by the roads inspector that had agreed to take them to Lima. Here they found a group of drunks, and used thier routine to get them to buy them food and drink. They spent the day sitting on the banks of the river, and commented on how "it had a very pretty landscape." (131) Next they went to a hospital where they were able to convince a local doctor to buy them lunch, but "Alberto was so ashamed that he didnt even thank him." (132) 

Más sobre San Ramón, Peru

28: Oxapampa,Peru

On April 27,1952, on their way to Lima, Che decided to stop here in order to search out the mother of one of his friends. Unfortunately, she no longer lived there, but her brother in law lived there. They hadnt eaten in days, and could only "eat in the home of their disinclined friends." (130) The next day they were offered a ride to Lima, but they had been "taken on a long ride," and left in a town, nearly half way to Lima, called San Ramon.

Más sobre Oxapampa,Peru

29: Lima, Peru

On May first they finally arrived in Lima. They found Dr. Hugo Pesce, who was an expert leprologist, and he was able to find them rooms in the leprosy hospital. They spent thier time visiting many museums, and the library. They also met with many doctors that were involved in the leprosy hospital. "One of the things that left a strong impression on them was the way hospital patients farewelled them." (137). The patients became very attached to them, and gave them many gifts on their departure. The "affection" shown by the patients made them seriously consider dedicating themselves to leprosy. They left Lima on May 17th.
This is the Cathedral in Lima, and as Che said is "The part of Lima worth describing."(134)


Más sobre Lima, Peru

30: San Pablo, Peru

The travelers remain here from June 8-20, 1952. After spending two days sailing down the river, they arrived at the Leprosy colony in San Pablo. There they met a Dr. Bresciani, who was the head of the colony. They were very well taken care of while they were there, and spent lots of time seeing what the area had to offer. They played lots of soccer, visited a tribe of Yaguas, and spent lots of time observing the colony. Once again the Lepers gave them a very nice farewell, and were sad to see them go. They built a raft and continued to sail down the Amazon.
This is what the leper colony would have looked like.


Más sobre San Pablo, Peru

31: Bogotá, Colombia

Guevara and Alberto stayed in Bogotá, Colombia from July 12 to July 13 in 1952. They flew here from Brazil, and were able to find lodging with the local leprosy service. They were both offered jobs there, but they wanted to leave as soon as possible. The country was on the verge of revolution and Che noticed that "There is more repression of individual freedom here than in any country we’ve been to, the police patrol the streets with rifles and demand your papers every few minutes." (157) They found Columbia to be "suffocating," and left immediately.


Más sobre Bogotá, Colombia

32: Caracas, Venezuela

On July 17, 1952 the pair reach Caracas Venezuela. This is where their journey ends in the text. Guevara and Alberto split. Guevara describes Caracas in great detail saying that "Caracas extends along the length of a narrow valley, enclosing and restraining it on its edges, so that on a short walk you'll be climbing the surrounding hills, and there, with the progressing city laid out before your feet, you'll begin to see a new aspect of its multifaceted makeup"(161)

This is a picture of Che's already traveled journey and his journey to come, to North America and back again.

Más sobre Caracas, Venezuela

33: Placemark 18

Más sobre Placemark 18


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