Walk Created by My Tracks on Android.

0: To The Shops (Part 1)
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1: To The Shops (Part 2)
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2: To The Shops (Start)
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3: To The Shops (End)
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0: To The Shops (Part 1)

>_androidId: 1340007653299.7925

Más sobre To The Shops (Part 1)

1: To The Shops (Part 2)

>_androidId: 1340007654192.2588

Más sobre To The Shops (Part 2)

2: To The Shops (Start)

>_androidId: 1340007652101.6250

Más sobre To The Shops (Start)

3: To The Shops (End)

Created by My Tracks on Android.

Total distance: 4.65 km (2.9 mi)
Total time: 1:03:12
Moving time: 52:49
Average speed: 4.42 km/h (2.7 mi/h)
Average moving speed: 5.29 km/h (3.3 mi/h)
Max speed: 35.13 km/h (21.8 mi/h)
Average pace: 13.58 min/km (21.9 min/mi)
Average moving pace: 11.35 min/km (18.3 min/mi)
Min pace: 1.71 min/km (2.7 min/mi)
Max elevation: 141 m (464 ft)
Min elevation: 93 m (306 ft)
Elevation gain: 327 m (1074 ft)
Max grade: 23 %
Min grade: -30 %
Recorded: 18/06/2012 5:16 PM
Activity type: Walk

Más sobre To The Shops (End)


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