Newcastle Walk Together, June 23, 1pm

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'Walk Together' is an opportunity for Australians in every capital city and other centres to join together in solidarity with asylum seekers, refugees and other new Australians around the idea that we've all come from different backgrounds, places and cultures but together we are writing the Australian story. On June 23 a diverse range of Australians will walk in unity, symbolically calling for an end to politics of division and making a positive statement for multicultural diversity. June 23 will be a celebration of all that diversity adds to our society, culture and nation as we recognise that we have all walked different paths to become part of the combined Australian journey. Each walk will finish at a local place of significance with a small festival celebrating the diverse cultures that make up the Australian experience.

0: Walk Together Route
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1: Beginning of Walk
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2: End of Walk
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3: Welcome to Australia Stage
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4: Cultural Markets
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5: Cultural Workshops
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Walk Together Route

Más sobre Walk Together Route

1: Beginning of Walk

Central Promenade -133 Wharf Road, Newcastle
* Welcome to Australia Maquees
* Registration Tent

Más sobre Beginning of Walk

2: End of Walk

Maritime Museum: 3 Honeysuckle Drive, Newcastle
* Welcome to Australia stage

Más sobre End of Walk

3: Welcome to Australia Stage

* Maritime Centre Welcome Wall

Más sobre Welcome to Australia Stage

4: Cultural Markets

Más sobre Cultural Markets

5: Cultural Workshops

Más sobre Cultural Workshops


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