Stuff in Hereford

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1: River Lugg
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2: Foot path from here to the river
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3: The Barrel pub
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4: Good Curry House
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5: Charity shops along here
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6: High Town
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7: Hereford Cathedral
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8: River walks
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9: Hereford Museum
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10: Cider Museum
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11: The Old House
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12: Nice little street to walk along with some good shops and pubs
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13: Spread Eagle pub
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: River Lugg

Nice walks along the river, some rocky beaches. Flood planes are farmed by traditional medieval methods

Más sobre River Lugg

2: Foot path from here to the river

Más sobre Foot path from here to the river

3: The Barrel pub

Best pub in Hereford (by some way)

Más sobre The Barrel pub

4: Good Curry House

Más sobre Good Curry House

5: Charity shops along here

There was a second hand record shop too, but that may not be there anymore

Más sobre Charity shops along here

6: High Town

Main shopping area...but pretty rubbish really. A few charity shops though

Más sobre High Town

7: Hereford Cathedral

Worth a visit - mapa mundi, chained library, etc

Más sobre Hereford Cathedral

9: Hereford Museum

Not very big, but used to have some interesting stuff so probably still does.

Más sobre Hereford Museum

10: Cider Museum

Más sobre Cider Museum

11: The Old House

Más sobre The Old House

12: Nice little street to walk along with some good shops and pubs

Más sobre Nice little street to walk along with some good shops and pubs

13: Spread Eagle pub

Good pub

Más sobre Spread Eagle pub


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