0: Way from KFU to Zhyoltaya kofta
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1: Way from bus stop to Zhyoltaya kofta
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2: Way from Gogolya bus stop to Zhyoltaya kofta
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3: Zhyoltaya kofta
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4: KFU 2-nd building
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5: University Hostel No. 3
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6: University Hostel, sanatorium
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7: Mushtari bus stop
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8: Dostoevskogo bus stop
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9: Gogolya bus stop
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10: Abzhalilova bus stop
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

0: Way from KFU to Zhyoltaya kofta

Más sobre Way from KFU to Zhyoltaya kofta

1: Way from bus stop to Zhyoltaya kofta

Más sobre Way from bus stop to Zhyoltaya kofta

2: Way from Gogolya bus stop to Zhyoltaya kofta

Más sobre Way from Gogolya bus stop to Zhyoltaya kofta

3: Zhyoltaya kofta

Mayakovskogo street, 24a

Más sobre Zhyoltaya kofta

4: KFU 2-nd building

Más sobre KFU 2-nd building

5: University Hostel No. 3

Más sobre University Hostel No. 3

6: University Hostel, sanatorium

Más sobre University Hostel, sanatorium

7: Mushtari bus stop

Bus 90

Más sobre Mushtari bus stop

8: Dostoevskogo bus stop

Bus 90

Más sobre Dostoevskogo bus stop

9: Gogolya bus stop

Buses: 10а, 35, 52, 63, 83, 91, 99а

Más sobre Gogolya bus stop

10: Abzhalilova bus stop

Buses: 10а, 35, 52, 63, 83, 91, 99а

Más sobre Abzhalilova bus stop


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