meet in the WEST quadrant of the monument, with the lion!meet at 7pmroll out at 7:30 sharp!

0: route
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1: Washington Monument
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2: Middle Branch Park
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3: Monroe Street
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4: railroad tracks
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5: Waterview Ave
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6: Hanover St Bridge
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7: Mother's
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Lugares de interés (POIs) del Mapa

1: Washington Monument

Más sobre Washington Monument

2: Middle Branch Park

Más sobre Middle Branch Park

3: Monroe Street

take the left lane unless you want to get on the freeway!

Más sobre Monroe Street

4: railroad tracks

be cautious

Más sobre railroad tracks

5: Waterview Ave

watch out for storm drains all along the right of this street, stay away from the curb!

Más sobre Waterview Ave

6: Hanover St Bridge

be aware of the storm grates on the right side the entire length of the bridge, as well as the 2 gaps at the drawbridge!! these spots will have volunteers stationed at them but be aware that the gaps are about 20 ft long and extend past the volunteers!

Más sobre Hanover St Bridge

7: Mother's

we will have bike racks in the back entrance for people to use

Más sobre Mother's


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