Ryun(?) temple food organic vegetarian buffet - Vegetarian Restaurants in Seoul, Korea (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Closed Mondays
Photos by coolmang

Ryun(?) temple food organic vegetarian buffet
phone : (032) 833-3329
address : 348-120 OkRyun Dong, YeonSu Gu, Incheon (????? ??? ??? 348-120)
time : 12:00-2:30, 5:30-8:00 Tue-Sun
10,000 won 1st fl. is buffet and 2nd fl. is traditional tea house,'DaYeon'

direction : bus- #6,8,65-1 get off at HoBulSa temple(????) stop/
subway-SinYeonSu subway station (Incheon line), Take the bus # 112, 46 to SongDoYeok SamGerRi(??? ???) stop. 10-minute walk. It's on the alley of ByukSan apartment.

????? ??? ??? 348-120

Mapa del lugar de interés Ryun(?) temple food organic vegetarian buffet

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Ryun(?) temple food organic vegetarian buffet, con el API de Google Street View

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