Orinoco River,South America - The best expeditions Marco Polo`s experience Francisco Pizarro Hernando Cortez The Adventures of Balboa Leif Eriksson Vasco da Gama Sir Walter Raleigh (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

In 1595, Raleigh decided to go to Venezuela, South America, in order to explore the Orinoco River. He was searching for El Dorado, which was claimed to be “The City of Gold.” Raleigh had several goals for his expedition. He wanted to find the City of Gold, and he wanted to possibly create a new settlement there. Raleigh searched for a while, but never did find El Dorado. However, he was still convinced that there were some riches yet to be found in South America. He found gold in riverbanks and Indian villages. He also believed that there was enough gold to be mined in the northern part of South America. Unfortunately, he did not have enough tools or men to excavate it. Although he did not find El Dorado, Raleigh still considered his journey to be a success. He made valuable contacts with the Indians, and he thought that he had convinced them to ignore the Spanish, and accept any new English explorers.


Mapa del lugar de interés Orinoco River,South America

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