Cempoalla, Mexico - The best expeditions Marco Polo`s experience Francisco Pizarro Hernando Cortez The Adventures of Balboa Leif Eriksson Vasco da Gama Sir Walter Raleigh (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Cortez had some soldiers amongst his men who were starting to turn against him and were being more loyal the governor of Cuba. They were planning to escape and go back to Spain. In order to prevent the mutiny, Cortez sank his ship. Cortez then proceeded to march his men into the interior, to the territory of the Tlaxcalans. After two weeks of fighting, Cortez discovered that the Tlaxcalan Indians were resolute enemies of the Aztecs who treated them as slaves. Cortez thought they might join him in a military alliance to help conquer the Aztecs. The Tlaxcalans became his strongest allies and joined Cortez on the invasion in to Mexico increasing his numbers significantly.


Mapa del lugar de interés Cempoalla, Mexico

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