The Doll house - Quito (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

The Doll House, Tulipanes E10-144 y Av. 6 de Diciembre. Open 10pm to mid morning.
Entrance $20 for 2 drinks. $60 for 1/2 bottle of Johnny Red Label. $100 chicas ($40-house / $60-girl) (50mins).
Pricing provided by Mikebox20. Alternatively Newbie007 states for chica take-out "house fee is $50 after midnight, $100 before midnight," price for chica subject to negotiation with her (post1096). Davidb3096 states to sex a chica in-house "it is $145 for 45 minutes with cash or $180 for credit card for the same 45 minutes. Drinks are about $10 each for a mixed drink (such as rum and orange juice)(post1111). (Ezy, post2)

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fotografía panorámica de The Doll house, con el API de Google Street View

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