University of Damascus - The Islamic Cities (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

This is the largest and oldest university in all of Syria, and was founded in 1923. Though the Medical school was established in 1909 and the Law School founded in 1913, merged and became a University. In 1946 the University was called the 'Syrian University', up untill the foundation of the University of Aleppo, this was the time that it became 'Damascus University'. There ar 14 different departments of literature and human sciences, education, economics, law, agriculture, Islamic Sahria'a, pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, civil engineering, fine arts, architecture, mechanic engineering, and the Higher Institute of Administrative Development. And is one of the only places in the World that all the scientific materials are still taught in Arabic.(

Mapa del lugar de interés University of Damascus

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fotografía panorámica de University of Damascus, con el API de Google Street View

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