Jardin du Palais Royal - Paris (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Palais Royal is a refuge from the surrounding city, a place for those seeking calm and peacefulness. Some of our best images of children and seniors relaxing in comfort are from this place. One of our favorite pictures depicts a septuagenarian couple hugging with his hand on her knee. The way we see it, this is the highest form of praise for a public space.

This park, actually a giant courtyard, exemplifies the concept of the inner park and the outer park, which emphasizes the importance of edge uses (or the “outer park”) to the success of a park or square. Palais Royal is surrounded by an arcade filled with small stores and restaurants. There are no major streets around it; the next ring of streets beyond the arcade are small and comfortable to walk along.

Its variety of amenities, while seemingly limited, creates a setting ripe for improvisation. For example, many children use the northern part of the park, but amazingly the only thing for them to play with is a sand box. Yet the kids improvise and make their experience much richer than one could ever imagine.

On the southern edge of the park sits a large sculpture area comprised of 280 closely-placed black and white columns of varying height. Although it takes up too much space, it nevertheless has great appeal to those who venture there. Children in particular seem to delight in experimenting with the variety of uses for the different columns.

Mapa del lugar de interés Jardin du Palais Royal

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Jardin du Palais Royal, con el API de Google Street View

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