All-Black Fire Company, Crestas Terrace - Northeast African American Historic Places Map (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Founded on August 27, 1927, the Crestas Terrace neighborhood contained the first all-black fire companies in Pennsylvania. At the time of its organization there was no fire-fighting equipment, and buckets of water had to be used to douse a fire. The company received its first hand-drawn chemical tank by Westinghouse Electric company. This represents an important establishment organized and run by blacks when there were almost no black-run fire stations in the county outside of Pittsburgh.
Crestas Terrace Fire Truck 2.JPG
From African American History Sites

Mapa del lugar de interés All-Black Fire Company, Crestas Terrace

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de All-Black Fire Company, Crestas Terrace, con el API de Google Street View

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