NaSA- West Park - Hull Developments (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

West Park will be restored to its former glory
as a playground for people of the city and beyond. It will also be highly accessible to the people of Newington & St Andrew’s, forming part of an extended Green Lung that snakes down towards the Humber, marked by a new square. Neighbouring housing will form one of the most characterful areas of the city.
Newington & St Andrew’s is fortunate to have a city-scale park
such as West Park on its doorstep. The park has a good range of activities and is generally well-ordered. However, both physical and psychological barriers affect the use of the park by surrounding residents, hampering the success of this space. The surrounding roads have inappropriately located and designed crossing points, and high traffic volumes discourage active use. The park is reasonably clean and tidy, but appears under-invested, with signage, lighting, furniture and facilities all giving a tired impression. Additionally, the attractions seem fragmented and uncoordinated.westparkbz0.jpg

Mapa del lugar de interés NaSA- West Park

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de NaSA- West Park, con el API de Google Street View

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