NaSA- Coltman Street - Hull Developments (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Taking a lead from the Conservation Areas that bookend the neighbourhood,
the whole of the Coltman Street area will become a highly attractive and popular place to live, benefiting from good housing and easy access to services. Varied and interesting new housing will be provided around new and improved public spaces, and the appearance of existing homes will be upgraded.
Several hundred properties will benefit from frontage improvement works. This will ensure an increase in the popularity of these homes and enable them to remain choice properties within this type. This includes the court terraces which, as a small proportion of the overall housing offer, have the potential to provide reasonably priced entry level housing. 
There will also be demolition and redevelopment for new housing of properties on Wellsted Street and Gee Street. Removal of some of most problematic and least desirable housing within this area will allow a better quality and range of housing to be built within the area. The appearance of new housing should relate to the local distinctiveness of the wider Coltman Street area. This site in particular may offer opportunities to engage community groups in the construction and management of housing.

Mapa del lugar de interés NaSA- Coltman Street

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de NaSA- Coltman Street, con el API de Google Street View

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