Chor Bizarre - Дели!! (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Hotel Broadway, 4/15A Asaf Ali Rd.
Delhi's best-known Kashmiri restaurant (there is also an outpost in London) is also one of its most beautiful, an art deco enclave with a tile floor, a spiral staircase leading nowhere, lamps in pinks and yellows, and a mixture of antique furniture and mirrors from various chor ("thieves'") bazaars. The bar is all dark wood and stained glass, and the salad bar is a 1927 Fiat roadster. Kashmiri food uses milder spices than many Indian cuisines, exemplified by mutton yakhni (simmered in a sauce of yogurt, cardamom, and aniseed), mutton mirchi korma (in a gravy of cardamom and cloves), and haaq (Kashmiri spinach cooked in its own juice). Try a tarami platter to sample several dishes, and punctuate your meal with kahwah, fragrant Kashmiri tea.

Mapa del lugar de interés Chor Bizarre

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Chor Bizarre, con el API de Google Street View

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