Oil Exploration Dirt Track, Umm as Samin, Oman - George Steinmetz - Empty Quarter (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


Oil Exploration Dirt Track, Umm as Samin, Oman

Expedition car at dusk on the new dirt track built for oil exploration teams to cross the Umm as Samim (Mother of Poisons) in Oman. The Umm as Samim is the lowest point in the Empty Quarter, and its thin hard surface disguises slippery salty muds underneath. It is passable in the dry season if there hasn't been much rain, but otherwise its a treacherous expanse of real quick sand.

©2009 George Steinmetz Empty Quarter

Mapa del lugar de interés Oil Exploration Dirt Track, Umm as Samin, Oman

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Oil Exploration Dirt Track, Umm as Samin, Oman, con el API de Google Street View

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