Khal Drogo - Game of Thrones Houses Infographic (sitios de interés)

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Drogo is a powerful khal, or warlord, of the Dothraki people, a tribal nation of expert riders and raiders in the steppes beyond the Free Cities. He is an accomplished warrior and has never been defeated in battle. Early in the series, he takes Daenerys Targaryen as his wife.

Viserys Targaryen conspired with Magister Illyrio to marry Daenerys to Drogo in order to get his support in an invasion of Westeros. Though Daenerys was initially unhappy with the arrangement, Drogo proved to be a sensitive husband and lover despite his fearsome behavior with his men. After a failed poisoning attempt on Daenerys' life, he promised to invade Westeros to reclaim the Seven Kingdoms for the Targaryens, but Viserys's impertinence ultimately caused Drogo to kill him. Drogo maintained his promise for the benefit of his wife, but was wounded by an enemy khal before he could begin the invasion. The wound festered and Drogo lost the ability to ride his horse. Most of his khalasar of Dothraki abandoned him, but Daenerys unwittingly sacrificed their unborn child for a spell to revive him. The spell worked, but left him mindless. Daenerys smothered him out of pity, and the flames of his funeral pyre ultimately hatched her dragon eggs. She named her favorite dragon after her husband - the powerful black, Drogon.

Actor Jason Momoa plays Drogo in the HBO adaption of the books.

Mapa del lugar de interés Khal Drogo

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Khal Drogo, con el API de Google Street View

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