4 Arrows Ranch - Florida Farms & Ranches Listed on Eatwild.com (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Citra, FL. Beef, pork & more.

4 Arrows Ranch  near Ocala, Florida raises grassfed Aberdeen Angus beef and pastured Berkshire pork on its 810 organically kept acres. Cattle are the old fashioned, heavy bodied, short bulldogs that your grand parents enjoyed before Big Agriculture decided to cross longer legged bovines to them.

All cattle that are sold are bred, born and shipped to the processor off our ranch. We do not buy market cattle as their care routines are unknown. Our Angus are uniquely designed for grass consumption and feast on a planted forage sequence which corresponds to the seasons. Thus affording us year round tender and delicious beef production.

Our pigs are Berkshires which are the kobe of porcine breeds. They do not do well in confinement which is why they are extremely happy in our program. These black porkers contentedly graze on grains and forages especially planted for them. Acorns, that are so prevalent in late summer and fall, finish the fattening process for these hogs. If you've never tasted Berkshire pork, you are in for a surprising treat. Clean, tender, juicy and unsurpassed!

Beef is dry aged for 21 to 28 days, USDA inspected and vacuum packed. This is not your characteristic grassfed beef. 4 Arrows Ranch grassfed Angus beef is restaurant quality on grass—highly marbled and flavorful.

Our new CSA—Florida Fields To Forks—offers our Grassfed Angus beef and pastured Berkshire pork. Partner ranches contribute Katahdin lamb, free-range chickens, organic free-range eggs, organic milk, organic cheese and organic vegetables.

4 Arrows Ranch, Lee Windham, 4135 East Highway 318, Citra FL 32113.  Cell: (561) 718-2019
Email: grassfedgourmet@aol.com  Website: www.thegrassfedgourmet.com

Mapa del lugar de interés 4 Arrows Ranch

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