MahaEduTechNet - English - Certificates of Authorisation (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Maharashtra, India: "We do need 'something more official for our project'. Please send an official Certificate of Authorization, digitally signed by you. I am hereby sending the necessary information.

The name of project: MahaEduTechNet (Maharashtra Educational Technology Network)

Through MahaeduTechNet project (run by a social enterprise), we create and distribute educational software programs and ITC workbooks to schools in Maharashtra. Another motive behind MahaeduTechNet is to bring educationalists in various arenas together through ITC tools for the betterment of students in Maharashtra.

I stumbled upon EnglishBanana while googling the net and found that the resources available on the site are very much useful for our students. We intend to print books available on the site and distribute them among our students. A certificate from you will help us to present our effort as an'official' work to the concerned school managements.

I and my whole team respect your work and we as a social enterprise aim to follow the same path."

[Permission granted!]

Mapa del lugar de interés MahaEduTechNet

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fotografía panorámica de MahaEduTechNet, con el API de Google Street View

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