Vacationland Hotel - Borscht Belt Hotels in the Catskills (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Dorothy Stier Andrew- there is a road outof Swan Lake called Cohen and Cohen road. Since that is the name associated with The Vacationland that is probably the location.
This Lady is very local, so I am pretty sure she knows it's this road.  but I do not know if this is the exact location on this road at all - It's just a guess.
Here is a link to a picture ->!/photo.php?fbid=10150739909332700&set=o.340726080906&type=1&theater

Mapa del lugar de interés Vacationland Hotel

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Vacationland Hotel, con el API de Google Street View

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