Nash House Museum - African American Historic Places (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

36 Nash Street | Buffalo, NY 14204

About: The house at 36 Nash Street has a very special place in the 20th century history of Buffalo's African American community. From 1925 until 1987, the residence was the home of the Rev. J. Edward Nash, Sr. family. Rev. Nash was the pastor of the Michigan Avenue Baptist Church from 1892 until his retirement in 1953. His widow continued to occupy the home after his death in 1957.

Rev. Nash's leadership and presence in Buffalo's African-American community during the first 50 years of the 20th century earned him legendary status in that community. During most of that period he was the most widely known and respected African American in the city. Among his numerous roles, Rev. Nash was involved in efforts to bring branches of the Urban League and the NAACP to Buffalo and was a long-time leader and treasurer of the Western New York Baptist Association. For 32 years he was secretary of the Ministers Alliance of Buffalo, one of the most influential religious groups in the city...continue reading

Today, the Nash House is operated as a museum by the Michigan Street Preservation Corporation. Tours are available by appointment on Thursdays and Saturdays.

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picture Rev. J. Edward Nash, Sr. House
Photos and text courtesy of Nash House Museum

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