Johnny's Bar/Freedom House Ambulance Service/Hill CDC - African American Historic Places (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Two and a half story red brick building (c. 1880s); now houses the Hill District Community Development Corporation and other offices

Started in 1967, Freedom House Ambulance Service was reportedly the first paramedic service in the nation equipped with resuscitation equipment in a van-type vehicle, rather than a limousine-type ambulance. It was first restricted to operating only in the Hill because the police ambulances at the time often would not come into the neighborhood to pick up blacks. A grant from the city and the federal government allowed Freedom House Ambulance Service to expand its operations to include Downtown and Oakland. One of the most heroic moments for the service was the resuscitation of Pennsylvania House Speaker K. Leroy Irvis at the Washington Plaza. This organization represented the pioneering and influential black business community, organized despite racial discrimination. This was also the site of Johnny's Bar, a popular neighborhood leisure and social site; before being Johhny’s it was Littman's Bar and Grill.

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From African American History Sites

Mapa del lugar de interés Johnny's Bar/Freedom House Ambulance Service/Hill CDC

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