Howland Stone Store Museum - African American Historic Places (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

2956 State Route 34B | Sherwood, NY 13026

About: The store was built in 1837 by Slocum Howland and is important as a graceful and virtually unaltered example of a simple Greek Revival cobblestone building. Slocum, who arrived in this area in 1798 with his parents, was a devoted Quaker, wool buyer and entrepreneur, anti-slavery advocate, local banker, large landowner, prohibitionist, and local leader. His daughter, Miss Emily, was avidly involved in women's rights, temperance, education, world peace, abolition, Political Equality clubs, and rights for African Americans. Members of the Howland family maintained the store for a hundred years.

The building served as a store from 1837 - 1881. When "The Block" next door was built, the cobblestone store was relegated to storage use. In 1942, it was renovated to accommodate a library and museum of the items that had been collected by Miss Emily and Isabel Howland, her niece, during their travels. For twenty-three years, Mrs. Alice Koon oversaw the library and museum; upon her death, the building and its contents were left to the Cayuga Museum in Auburn, NY. In 1987, the Cayuga Museum wished to divest itself of the Cobblestone Store, at which time the Friends of the Howland Stone Store was formed and accepted ownership.

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picture Front Facade, Stone Store Museum
Photos and text courtesy Stone Store Museum

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