At the seaside - Heaven & Hell (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

donosti_kontxa_h.jpg&w=270&h=180&ei=oB_vAT THE SEASIDE

One day, at the beginning of the summer, my friends and I were trying to decide where to go for our holidays. Finally, we decided to go to Donostia. I was not very happy about the idea, but seeing my friends so excited, I agreed. We put our tent, sleeping bags and other equipment into our backpacks and caught a bus to Donosti. By the time we arrived it was dark and the beach was deserted. We set up our tent in the middle of the beach, ate some supper and went to bed.

The next morning, the beach was full of people, all looking at the tent. Some minutes later a policeman arrived and he ordered to pack up our little house immediately. We packed up our things and we ate some biscuits for breakfast, when suddenly, something fell from the sky. It was a strange paper with some letters written on it.

My friend and I took it and we started reading it, but we realized that it was in another language so we took a dictionary and we translated all. The paper said that the person who read that would be very lucky for the rest of his life. For me that was the best day of all the summer and that place was very special to me.

Mapa del lugar de interés At the seaside

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de At the seaside, con el API de Google Street View

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