Burke & Wills 79: Bilpa Morea Claypan - Burke and Wills Expedition (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

On March 30 the men shot Boocha, another of their camels, for the meat, and over the next 26 days they butchered two more. Burke was soon also forced to shoot his horse Billy, who was "so reduced and knocked up for want of food that there appeared little chance of his reaching the other side of the desert", Wills wrote. "We found [the horsemeat] healthy and tender, but without the slightest trace of fat in any portion of the body."

The men were showing signs of severe vitamin B deficiency – pains in the back, weakness in the legs. Gray was suffering particularly badly from dysentery. To reduce their load further, the men buried all their equipment and instruments, intending to retrieve them later. That cache has never been found.


Mapa del lugar de interés Burke & Wills 79: Bilpa Morea Claypan

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Burke & Wills 79: Bilpa Morea Claypan, con el API de Google Street View

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