04: Faces - 795 Seymour St - Vancouver Gay Walking Tour (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio


From the old Castle site, return to Robson St, turn left and walk one block east to Seymour. Here, on the corner where Rogers now sits at the base of another glass tower, was the home of one of Vancouver's first gay-owned and operated bars, Twiggy's. Phillip Haines opened the bar as a private gay club in 1967. In the 1970s, it changed its name to Faces.

In those days, liquor licences were hard to come by for all bars, so Faces operated as a bottle club, where patrons brought their own booze and checked it at the bar. The bartender would tag each person's liquor and serve it back to them on request. Faces eventually got a special liquor licence in the mid-1970s.

The club remained popular with gays and lesbians until its building was closed for demolition in 1985.

(Daniel O'Neill photo — Vancouver Public Library VPL 53518)

Mapa del lugar de interés 04: Faces - 795 Seymour St

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