After Midnight - 102 Ave B South - Gay Map Saskatoon (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

"The city’s first commercial gay club, After Midnight, was established at 102 Avenue B South (at 22nd Street) in late 1980. It was managed by David Allen and first operated as an after hours club. By 1982 it had been renamed Numbers and operated as a private members’ club. Numbers attracted a significant portion of the clientele of the Gay Community Centre, increasing the financial difficulties facing that organization" (Richards, 2005, p.12).

The registered name for Numbers was "22nd STREET MEN’S SOCIAL CLUB INC." (Spence, 2005, p.1).

In 1983, "gasoline was set alight at the front and back doors of Numbers club shortly after midnight. The club was safely evacuated and there was little damage to the building. Patrons chased down and apprehended a suspect [Donny Shy] who was later acquitted in a jury trial for arson. The presiding judge said that the defendant was a very lucky man" (Richards, 2005, p.15).

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Mapa del lugar de interés After Midnight - 102 Ave B South

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Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de After Midnight - 102 Ave B South, con el API de Google Street View

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