Waroon St, Stafford - Rat running hotspots (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

A great example of rat running is when drivers are driving south along Webster Rd, Stafford (morning only) and they see the queue of traffic at the intersection of Webster Rd and Stafford Rd and realise they will have to wait for a minimum 4-5 changes of lights (more than 10 minutes) so they turn left into Waroon St or sometimes Leiper St so as to avoid waiting for so long at the intersection. Can't blame them really.

It is also annoying having cars queued at the exit to your street well before 7.00am. It is also quite dangerous to turn left into Leiper St from Webster Rd because of a limited view there as well as the entrance to the street being so narrow. It is common to see cars come around that corner and be on the wrong side of the road.

Unfortunately resolving the massive problem at the intersection of Webster Rd and Stafford Rd will only involve pushing the problem to a different place such as the intersection of Days Rd and Grange Rd.

Mapa del lugar de interés Waroon St, Stafford

Panorámica interactiva con Google Street View

fotografía panorámica de Waroon St, Stafford, con el API de Google Street View

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