Cooroy Police Station - Magpie Map 2011 - By Quest Newspapers (sitios de interés)

Descripción del sitio

Anne: Every year there are numerous attacks from the Magpies which nest in the park next to the Cooroy Police Station and this is extremely dangerous due to the amount of traffic, which uses the roundabout which takes in five roads. The traffic includes school children on bicycles, plus adults on bicycles, who are under constant attack from the birds. Last season my husband had to assist a child in the middle of the roundabout, who was attacked on her bike and was left terrified and with a bleeding head by the Magpie, this attack was reported to the Police, but they are unable to do anything about the birds. Also an elderly lady was attacked, bleeding profusely from a nasty beak wound to the side of her head, just missing her eye and had to be rescued from the middle of the road by a motorist who fortunately stopped, thereby stopping all the cars on the roundabout, until she was safe and taken to the adjacent doctors surgery.

The birds continue to attack cyclists, chasing them as far as across the rail bridge into Elm Street and as this is one of the most accident prone intersections in Cooroy, this extra safety hazard is really not needed. The birds should be moved for the safety of everyone, but the children and the elderly in particular. We never walk up Myall Street towards the Police roundabout, with out a stick or a hat, and even then I have received a nasty peck through a quite solid cotton hat. Thanks for this service.

Mapa del lugar de interés Cooroy Police Station

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fotografía panorámica de Cooroy Police Station, con el API de Google Street View

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